Student Voice – Aliana De La Torre Gonzalez

I am now in high school at Holy Names Academy, where I am challenged every day and learn new things everyday.  I am often busy studying for tests, writing papers or doing homework. However, when I am not doing school work, I am playing sports or hanging out with my friends.

At Rainier Prep, I was in Student Parliament — first as a representative, and then as the President.  Oftentimes I did a little bit of everything, such as starting projects, supervising our meetings, and helping organize events.  One of my favorite projects that I participated in was Hoopfest. This was a basketball event in which our school got to play a mini tournament for the first time against another school.  It was a really fun day that required a lot of work, and taught me many things about planning and communication.

While being in Student Parliament, I knew that my voice was heard because I was able to give my feedback and ideas to try and create events such as Hoopfest.  With my voice being heard, I was able to speak up more and be confident in speaking with adults and in public, which is a skill that has helped me a lot in high school. The skill of being able to express my ideas in a confident way was one of the most helpful things that I learned in Student Parliament.  In high school, we have to do many presentations and express our opinion in front of a class, and being confident in speaking in front of an audience helped me a lot.

The process of applying for high schools taught me a lot about life, and will help me in the future with jobs and college.  For that, I am forever grateful to Rainier Prep, which does an amazing job of preparing their students for high school. One way in which they do this is with end of the year presentations and constantly challenging their students. I go to a rigorous school, where I face challenges every day, but since I experienced this at Rainier Prep I was prepared to overcome these challenges.