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Rainier Prep

Choice, Challenge, and a Pathway to a College Degree


Frequently asked questions

  • Any student entering the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th  grade are able to apply. See the application page  for more details. 

  • Rainier Prep accepts applications year-round for all grades. Rainier Prep is fully enrolled for the 2024-25 school year. New student applications will be placed on a waitlist. 

    Completed application forms for the 2025-2026 school year must be received by 5:00PM on April 15, 2026 to be eligible for the lottery. (Rainier Prep will conduct a random public lottery within a week of April 15 if we receive more applications than the number of seats available.) Any applications received after the deadline will be put on a waiting list.

  • Accepted students will receive a Welcome Packet by the first week of May.

  • Rainier Prep does not offer tour to prospective families at this time. All students who were accepted through the enrollment lottery and their families will be invited to attend a Family Orientation at Rainier Prep in May.

  • There is no cost to attend Rainier Prep. We are currently a free, public, charter school under WA state law.

  • Please contact Rainier Prep’s McKinney Vento Liaison: Morgan Fernandez, 206-494-5979 x707,

    Students who are considered “homeless” and are eligible have the right to:

    • The right to continue in the school they were in before becoming homeless, if they want to
    • The right to continue in the same school they are in if they are homeless now
    • The right to transportation to school, if requested
    • The right to enroll and attend classes without giving a permanent address
    • The right to enroll and attend classes even if you are missing documents usually required for enrollment
    • The right to attend the school of your choice while a dispute over your enrollment is being resolved, or, if the school district sends your child to a school other than the school of your choice, you have the right to a written explanation and the right to appeal that decision
  • Our school is located at 10211 12th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98168.

  • Rainier Prep will be providing bus services for students living within Highline Public Schools. Bus routes do not go to individual homes but rather to a central location where a number of students can be picked up and dropped off. Please refer to the current school year bus routes.

  • Yes. We provide breakfast and lunch from Fresh n’ Local Foods Company. We also honor breakfast and lunch prices for students eligible for free and reduced lunch.

  • By law, Rainier Prep is required to participate in any state and federally mandated assessments similar to a public district school.

  • Rainier Prep believes in the importance of cultivating students’ interests beyond academic schoolwork. We will offer activities based on the interests of our enrolled students as part of our regular school day.

  • We are currently a free, public, charter school under WA state law.

  • Rainier Prep Complaint Policy

    Rainier Prep believes that if a citizen has a question, suggestion, or complaint, the citizen should first discuss this directly with the person involved as most complaints can be resolved informally. If the issue is not resolved, the citizen should bring it up with the appropriate administrator who shall attempt to resolve the issue through a conference with the citizen and the staff member. If the issue cannot be resolved in the manner described above, the citizen should complete the Request for Consideration of Complaint Form (available in the school office). The school administrator or designee shall verbally explain the complaint process at the time the “Request for Consideration of Complaint Form” is given to the citizen and inform the citizen of the right to have an advocate assist in representing the citizen’s position. The complaint shall:

    1. Be in writing;
    2. Be signed by the complaining parties, and
    3. Set forth specific acts, conditions or circumstances of concern.

    The School Leader/designee will conduct or coordinate an investigation of the complaint and reach a decision within twenty (20) school work days after receipt of the complaint. The decision of the School Leader/designee shall be communicated in writing to the parties involved. Should a complaint be submitted with less than twenty (20) school work days remaining within the regularly scheduled school calendar, reasonable extension of this timeline shall be allotted as deemed necessary by the investigator.If the complaint is not resolved to the citizen’s satisfaction, the citizen may request, within five (5) school work days, the complaint be referred to the Director of the Board. The School Leader/designee shall refer the matter within five (5) school work days. The parties involved in the complaint will have the opportunity to meet with the Director of the Board/designee within twenty (20) school work days after the Director of the Board or designee receives the Request for Consideration of Complaint Form. Such a request to meet with the Director of the Board or designee shall be made by the citizen within five (5) school work days
    from the time the citizen requested the referral. Such a request from the staff member shall be made within five (5) school work days from the time the staff member was notified of the complaint. The Director of the Board or designee shall also have the right to establish a review committee if desired, or directly make a decision. In cases of physical injury to a student, the complaint will be referred to a review committee established by the Director of the Board. When a review committee is established, the committee shall be representative of the interests involved. The Director of the Board or designee will appoint the committee chairperson within ten (10) school work days after receiving the Request for Consideration of Complaint Form. The committee will review the citizen’s complaint and submit a written recommendation to the Director of the Board within twenty (20) school work days after the  committee chairperson has been appointed. The Director of the Board will make a decision and notify the citizen, in writing, within ten (10) school work days after:

    1. Receiving the Form and the School Leader/designee’s decision; or
    2. Meeting with the parties involved in the complaint; or
    3. Receiving the written recommendation of the review committee.

    The response of the Director of the Board shall clearly state either:

    1) That the school district denies the allegations contained in the complaint; or
    2) The nature of such reasonable corrective measures deemed necessary to eliminate any
    such act, condition or circumstance within the school district; PROVIDED that any such
    corrective measure deemed necessary shall be instituted as expeditiously as possible but
    in no event later than 30 calendar days following the date of the Director of the Board’s
    response to the complaining party.

    The Director of the Board or designee has full authority to resolve the complaint within the limits
    of Board policy and state and federal law.

    WSSDA Policy: 4220
    WSSDA Revision Dates: 12/2011

    RP Revision Date: 02/2018
    RP Adoption Date: 02/28/2018

  • Rainier Prep and Rainier Scholars are two separate entities which share a common goal around college preparation and leadership development for low-income, students of color and immigrant students. Rainier Prep is a free public charter middle school and Rainier Scholars is a long-term, wrap-around academic enrichment program. Rainier Scholars staff and board fully support Rainier Prep and the work it seeks to accomplish in the Highline area through curricular, operational and technical support.